If you are applying for a school place for your child who is due to start in Reception you are required to apply online using the Lancashire County Council website and linked Diocesan forms. Applications can be made between 1st September and mid January in the academic year before your child is 5.
Details of the schools admissions arrangements can be found below. This year we are delighted that we will be able to welcome prospective parents and children into school for an OPEN MORNING - this will be held on Tuesday 12th October from 9.15 a.m. until 11.45 a.m. Please email or ring the office If you would like to book on a slot. Please note in order to limit numbers on the site at any one time we will only be allowing 3 families in at any one time. If you are looking for a school place in for a Reception child in September 2022 also have a look at our 'Admissions video' (CLICK on 'Video resource centre' below).