Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education is the school subject that deals with real life issues affecting our children, families and communities. It’s concerned with the social, health and economic realities of their lives, experiences and attitudes. It supports pupils to be healthy (mentally and physically); safe (online and offline) and equipped to thrive in their relationships and careers. PSHE plays a vital role in preparing children and young people to negotiate the challenges and opportunities of an increasingly complex world.
At Slyne-with-Hest School, PSHE is taught as part of a whole school approach. Our planned programme of learning makes many links to other curriculum areas and is supported by visitors to school where appropriate. The Programmes of Study below set out the key areas which are taught at both Key Stage 1 and 2.
Health and Wellbeing
- what is meant by a healthy lifestyle
- how to maintain physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing
- how to manage risks to physical and emotional health and wellbeing
- ways of keeping physically and emotionally safe
- about managing change
- how to make informed choices about health and wellbeing and to recognise sources of help with this
- how to respond in an emergency
- to identify different influences on health and wellbeing
- how to develop and maintain a variety of healthy relationships within a range of social/cultural contexts
- how to recognise and manage emotions within a range of relationships
- how to deal with risky or negative relationships including all forms of bullying (including the distinct challenges posed by online bullying)
- about the concept of consent in a variety of contexts
- about managing loss
- to respect equality and be a productive member of a diverse community
- how to identify and access appropriate advice and support.
Living in the wider world
- about rights and responsibilities as members of diverse communities, as active citizens and participants in the local and national economy
- how to make informed choices and be enterprising and ambitious
- how to develop employability, team working and leadership skills and develop flexibility and resilience
- about the economic and business environment
- how personal financial choices can affect oneself and others and about rights and responsibilities as consumers
More information about the specific learning objectives can be found in our PSHE curriculum.
PSHE ensures that Medicines and Drugs Education, Financial Education and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) is taught in a sensitive and age appropriate way.
Please follow the link below for more information about changes to the PSHE curriculum from September 2020.