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Slyne-With-Hest St Luke's Church of England Primary School

Listen, learn, love and laugh as part of God's family

Year 1

Welcome to Year 1

Our teachers are Mrs Kelsall (Monday and Wednesday to Friday) and Mrs Thwaites (Tuesday)

We are helped by Mrs Walker.



A fantastic morning following the Dino Trail in Lancaster and learning more about Richard Owen at the City Museum

In DT we have been making Windmills! Excellent work Y1

Today we visited St Luke's Church where Rev. Susan held a baptismal service for us. The children had a great time participating and asking questions. Well done Harriet and Arlo, as parents and Esmae/ Kinglsey as God parents. We named the baby Rosie.

We have had great fun making our Easter Gardens. We thought about making the hill where Jesus died and putting the three crosses on top. We added a path to show the journey they made to the tomb and then we put a stone in front of the 'tomb'. We then decorated our gardens with flowers and moss. The children did a great job.

A fantastic time celebrating World Book Day - the children wore some amazing costumes and wrote about their favourite characters.

A great start to our new topic all about Toys. We enjoyed looking at our toys, describing them, writing about them and then, of course, playing with them!

An beautiful day exploring Leighton Hall and learning all about how children would celebrate Christmas in the Victorian times.

Our Village Walk

The sun was shining today as we did our Village walk (linked to our Topic work). We looked at buildings in our village and talked about the street furniture we could see. Lots of questions asked and discussion about what things were. The children noticed so much more than they would normally see. Well done Year One

The Class of 2022/2023

A brilliant day celebrating our school being open for 60 years. Great costumes from across the decades children!!

Fantastic school trip to Leighton Moss.

Today we visited Leighton Moss Nature Reserve and had a brilliant day looking at Minibeasts on land and in ponds. We learned lots of new facts about Minibeasts and even the grownups learned some new things too! We even got to make some houses for the little green elves!!

The dinnertime was especially eventful as we had lots of visits from ducks wanting our food! Rachel, our leader, told us that they don't like bread but prefer frozen peas!! Who knew!!! Lots of sunshine, lots of learning and excellent behaviour from all of the children - well done Year 1


Easter Gardens

We have loved making our Easter gardens today. We thought very carefully about where Jesus' tomb should go and where to place the cross. Look at all the beautiful flowers we have used to represent new life. We even kept the classroom tidy whilst we worked!! 

We have been looking at our own toys, what they are made out of and why we like them so much! We chose some of our favourites to draw and write about.

Well today started off a little differently! We came into the classroom to discover a crime scene! Someone, or something, had been in our classroom in the night and had made a mess in the small world area! The scene had been sealed off by a detective but he was so busy he asked us to investigate. We collected some evidence and started to make some predictions. Later in the day we received an email from the 3 Little pigs to say they had been chased off by the Big Bad Wolf and they were very sorry they had left a mess! Thank goodness we solved the case! 

Thank you Ma'am

Remembering Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. We coloured candles and wrote prayers to add to our prayer tree. We also enjoyed a book about her and how her faith helped her through her life.

We enjoyed PE with our sports coach, Mike, today. He will be coming in and leading our sessions for the rest of term.

In science today we began looking at the human body. We sang songs, played games of 'Simon says' and then went out onto the playground to draw round bodies. We then played a fun game jumping on different body parts of our chalk bodies. We used our brains and moved our bodies!!

In RE we are learning about Creation. We were challenged to become creators and could use a variety of resources. Look at our wonderful creations! We also had a fabulous discussion about how it felt and we used the words 'proud', 'happy' and 'excited'. Wonderful work Year 1!

The information below relates to the academic year 2021_22 or earlier

We had a fantastic day out in the Lakes! We travelled on a bus, steam train and a boat as part of our Transport Topic. We even managed to fit in a trip to the Aquarium too! We had great fun and learned a lot too. Quite a few members of the public stopped to tell us how impressed they were with the behaviour of the class! Super proud of you Year 1! :)

A Fantastic Day out in the Lakes!

If you are celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee over the holidays, why not take a photograph and we can put it up in our classroom. Have lots of fun!

A fantastic Platinum Jubilee Party! We had loads of fun.

Today we have been exploring toys from the past. We have been looking at what they are made out of and how they are different to modern toys.

We have made a great start with our topic work all about Toys  Past and Present. The children brought their own favourite toy into school and talked about why it is special, what it is made out of and how they enjoy playing with it. The photos say it all! What lovely smiles! 

Our Favourite Toys


As part of our topic on seasonal change we have been investigating wind. We looked at what wind socks do and investigated the best type of material to use. We ranked them in order from best to worse and used the best material, tissue paper, to make our own wind socks. We enjoyed trying them out in the playground. 

We enjoyed the visit from Life education and Harold the giraffe.


What a fabulous day we had in Year 1 today. We came dressed in our pjs and the Conductor stamped our tickets. We read the story, did lots of activities linked to the story and even designed and made our own Polar Express train. In the afternoon we changed into our slippers, cuddled up to our teddies, munched on some delicious popcorn and enjoyed watching the film. We finished our lovely day by sipping on some scrumptious hot chocolate just like the children in the film. 

We have enjoyed a lovely trip to The Judges Lodgings in Lancaster where we learnt all about a Victorian Christmas. We even met the Father Christmas himself!

Enjoying Children In Need Day at school starting with a Treasure Hunt around the school grounds - brilliant!

In PE today, we have been taking part in 'SkipFit' activties - they were a lot trickier than we first thought!

We have been learning about Diwali and making some Rangoli patterns in class.

Today we went around the school grounds searching for signs of autumn. Look at all the things we found!

Today in Computing, we have been learning all about algorithms. We have been trying to give precise, step-by-step instructions to make models and create shape pictures. We found that this was a little bit more tricky than we thought! We talked about how we have been following algorithms when we were listening to the instructions. Next week, we will start to follow and create simple instructions on the laptops. Well done Year 1 - fantastic work!


Learning about Algorithms

Our Village Walk

Today we had great fun walking around our village looking at all of the street furniture and finding out what shops and buildings are in our village. We found lots and even had some waves from friendly residents! The children were brilliant and spotted lots of things they hadn't noticed before such as solar panels, electric charging points and hydrants. We even found a sheep! Have fun looking at the photos.

We have been looking at the Hundertwasser's artwork and have tried to create some pictures in the same style. We painted the background using hot or cold colours and then gradually built up the collage. We love the lollipop trees and colours we have used.

Our Hundertwasser Art Work

October 2021 It's Harvest Time!

We enjoyed a live science lesson online today. We looked at how different fruit and vegetables are harvested and they were made into a Harvest Rainbow salad. It looked delicious so we made a list of ingredients and Mrs Jennings went shopping. We chopped the vegetables and made our own salad. It was delicious!! We also created a rainbow of words and pictures to match the ingredients in the salad. 

HOLD THE FRONT PAGE!!!! There has been a crime committed in the Year 1 classroom. We came in this morning to discover a mess in the small world area! Someone had been in and something had happened....but what??? The children interviewed Snappy the Crocodile as he was a witness, wrote up their observations and made their predictions. We later received an email from the Three Little Pigs confirming it was them. They had been scared off by the Big Bad Wolf!

Drawing and labelling our bodies in science

In RE we have been thinking about God's wonderful creation. We spent some time being creators! Look what we created! We felt very proud :)

Exploring our new Year 1 classroom. We have been very busy :)

Children enjoying a good book!

This is last Year's Y1 work 2020 - 2021

March 2021


Hello Year 1 smiley


-The children have quickly settled back into the routine of school and have loved catching up with their friends. The priority over the next few weeks will be getting them settled back into our structure and routine and keeping them smiling.  Thank you to you all for everything you have done to support us and the children in the last couple of months. We know how difficult it has been balancing working and home schooling. Let's hope for brighter days ahead! 


-Please can you make sure the children have a named jumper/cardigan with them everyday. We have the windows open in all weathers for ventilation so it can become quite chilly in the classroom. They also need a named water bottle with them (water please, not juice).


-After Easter we will be having PE on a Tuesday as well as a Friday. Please come to school in PE kit with a school jumper and trainers.


-We are continuing to hear the children read as often as we can in school and we are changing the books regularly. The children can bring them in to change on any day of the week but please bear with us if you don't get a new book straightaway. The books are being quarantined for 72 hours when they come back so we have less available than normal. Please continue to listen to your child read most days and also read to them and enjoy stories together. 


-We appreciate how difficult it is to be able to speak to us face to face at the moment. Please remember you can jot down a quick message for us and pass it to the member of staff on gate duty in the morning or phone/email us. We will get back to you as soon as we can. 


Thank you so much for your continued support. Please don't hesitate to get in contact if you have any questions or concerns. 


Mrs Jennings and Mrs Kelsall



We had a lovely morning at Church today. Rev Susan baptised our doll, 'Freddie Zach' and we learned all about the important parts of the baptism service.

Look at all the amazing Easter gardens we have made at home. Well done everybody :)

We have had a lovely time exploring our Easter and Spring time Tuff Tray garden. We have also designed and made a class Easter garden to remember the story of Jesus dying for us on the cross. On Easter Sunday we will be able to roll the stone away from the entrance to the tomb.

We have been spending a lot of time in our RE and English lessons thinking about the Easter story. Today we had to work in teams to sequence pictures to get the important events in the correct order. We also used our super reading skills to match some sentences to the picture. Finally we used all our knowledge to write some sentences describing what happened to Jesus at the very first Easter.

As part of our science work on materials we had a great afternoon investigating bridges. We looked at the best type of material to make a bridge out of and also experimented building bridges.

We created a rainbow to celebrate us being back together. We also wrote about our lockdown experiences using a Lockdown rainbow!

We have had a lovely couple of days playing together, chatting and having a great catch up!

Well what a fabulous afternoon we have had! We thought we were going out to look at our festive nature area but we had a big surprise. FATHER CHRISTMAS was waiting for us! He gave us a sack full of presents and we were very excited to open them. Thanks for visiting us Santa!

Wow! What a busy half term we have all had! The children have completed their autumn homework brilliantly. I have been blown away by the fabulous art work, creations and fabulous photos you have sent in. Thank you for taking on the challenge and braving the weather to collect some fantastic evidence. We have enjoyed looking at all the photos in the classroom this afternoon.

This week we have enjoyed exploring our 5 senses, with the help of Mr Potato Head. The children are able to describe some of the things they can see, hear, feel, smell and taste. They are also able to identify which body part helps them with each of the senses. We especially enjoyed examining and describing popcorn before, during and after it was popped! I think you can tell from the photos which sense the children enjoyed using the most!!

Marvellous Maths

Phonics fun! We played the Mr/Mrs game to practise our phase 3 sounds. Lots of fun was had having to meet, elbow tap and address each other with our new sound name!

The children are enjoying using the learning areas in the classroom. Lots of writing and reading happening too.

Today we went on a harvest hunt. We searched for harvest pictures in the nature area and enjoyed being outside in the autumn sun. We then thought about what we were thankful for this harvest time.

We started the morning today with a dough disco! We have our own, named pot of playdoh and we squeezed, nipped and patted it into different shapes. This is great to build up the muscles in our hands for writing.

Have a look at our lovely Year 1 classroom and some of the activities we have enjoyed over the first couple of weeks in school.

WE ARE CREATORS! In RE we had to create something out of paper, shapes, lego or playdoh. Look at all our fantastic work. Over the next few weeks we are going to learning all about God's amazing creation.

All information below relates to last years class (2019  - 2020). It gives you an overview of what the children enjoyed up to lockdown. This year, while following a similar curriculum overview, there will be changes to the content and delivery to meet the needs of the new group of children. Watch this space to see more information and in time see some pictures of the children at work.

Easter Gardens


You have been so busy designing, growing and building your Easter gardens at home. We have loved seeing your creative interpretations and you have remembered to include the important symbols of the Easter story and signs of new life. Don't forget on Easter Sunday to roll the stone away from the entrance of the tomb, just like it did on the very first Easter Sunday. Well done everyone. smiley

Signs of Spring


So many of you have found lots of signs of spring. I love seeing all the new life coming through in our wonderful world. What can you spot in these fabulous photographs and work that you have been sending in?

Today, in science, we looked at a strange material. We had to use our detective skills to work out what it was. We smelled it, felt it, listened to it and observed it. We guessed that it could be sugar, salt, washing powder and white sand. Then we decided to add water and we couldn't believe turned into SNOW! We had a great play with it and then wondered what would happen if we tried to colour it. We added blue paint to it and we got blue snow!

Today we enjoyed a visit from Diana from Niscu to help us with our Jesus is Special Re topic. We listened, watched and acted out different stories from the Bible that show us how special Jesus was and how he changed people's lives.

We looked for signs of winter in our walk in the nature area today.

Year 1 fantastic maths!

We looked for signs of autumn on our walk today. We are going to look to see the changes that happen to some of our trees as the seasons change.

Year 1 classroom. Don't we work hard?!

Today in RE we became CREATORS. Look at all the wonderful things we have created.
