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Slyne-With-Hest St Luke's Church of England Primary School

Listen, learn, love and laugh as part of God's family

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4

Our teachers are Mrs Winder (Monday - Wednesday) and Mrs Kelsall (Thursday - Friday).

We are helped by Mrs Savage (every morning) and Mrs Overfield (every day except Wednesday afternoon).

Information for Year 4 Parents about the Multiplication Check

Welcome back!


We hope you have all had a lovely break and enjoyed some activities together at this beautiful time of year.


This is a very exciting part of the year as we get near to Christmas and all that brings.


We have done some excellent work in school in the first half term and it was great to meet so many parents who came in to see the children's classroom and their work.


Homework in Year 4 is reading your school reading book at least three times a week, practicing your spellings every day and also your times tables every day.


PE will be every Wednesday, this half term we are so looking forward to our dodgeball lessons with Mr Wilcock - please make sure that you come to school in your school PE kit. This must consist of a white top and black shorts, we suggest that you also wear navy or black jogging bottoms and your school jumper as we will try and get out for PE in most weather conditions! On Fridays we will be going swimming until Christmas so please come in your uniform and bring your swimming kit including shorts and t-shirt for life saving in the pool.


Please do practice times tables  at home - it is really important that you become quicker in all the tables. You all have a times tables rock stars login and a purple mash login so you can practice online regularly. For more ideas on how to practice your tables please see the link above multiplication-check-information-for-parents


We have sent letters home about our residential to Borwick Hall in March - please send those back as soon as possible. 

Shelter building is on 12th November in school, on19th November Heritage Learning are coming to finish our topic on the Ancient Greeks and on the 28th November we have STEMFirst coming to lead an electricity workshop.


Here's to another great half-term!


The Year 4 team

We had great fun making fires using a flint - the children showed determination and resilience as it was not easy!
