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Slyne-With-Hest St Luke's Church of England Primary School

Listen, learn, love and laugh as part of God's family

Year 2

Year 2


Welcome to Year 2!

Welcome to Year 2

Our teachers are Mrs Kelsall on Mondays and Mrs. Taylor (Tuesday -Friday)

We are helped by Mrs Chippendale (Monday -Thursday mornings) and Miss Peace (Monday -Thursday afternoons and all day on a Friday) 

Our P.E days are Monday and Thursday, please can your child come to school on these days in their P.E kit.  This should consist of a plain white t-shirt and black shorts and trainers/pumps. During the winter months they can wear black tracksuit bottoms with their school jumper/cardigan.

Homework will be sent home on a Wednesday and will need to be returned the following Monday.  Spellings will be sent home on a Friday with a spelling test the following Thursday morning. Children have also been given a log in for Spelling Shed and can access games and activities relating to their weekly spellings here (a letter has been sent home with further information about this. 

Reading books have been separated into groups for changing and will have a sticker on the side of the reading record 

Green and red books will be changed on a Monday and Thursday

Yellow and blue books will be changed on a Tuesday and Friday.


Year 2 visit to Lancaster

On Friday 11th October we enjoyed our visit to Lancaster Castle, Lancashire Police Museum and The Priory Church. 

It was a very busy day and there was a lot to learn! 


The children were beautifully behaved and this was commented on by the adults that were part of our day so a big well done to Year 2! 

We travelled to Lancaster and back in style !

We arrived at the castle!

We had a tour around the inside of the castle. We weren’t allowed to take photos inside but we had a look around part of the prison and the courtrooms. We looked at the shields on the wall in the courtroom and learned a little about what it was like in the court in the past. We also went in the old dungeons. Some of us chose to get locked in a dungeon with the light off for a few seconds. Lots of us held hands! There was a lot of information about the history of Lancaster Castle! 

Sabine and PCSO Matt talked to us about how the police can help us and showed us some equipment for collecting evidence. We looked round the museum in our groups. There were lots of rooms to go in to learn about policing from the past to now. Dave (our class Sloth!) enjoyed looking around too! Can you spot him?

Some of us might not have behaved well the whole time...........

We had a look at the gatehouse and portcullis then walked around part of the outside of the castle

Finally we visited Lancaster Priory....

Our last visit of the day was to Lancaster Priory as part of our RE looking at ‘The Church’.

We were able to look around in our groups to try to find items from our work books. It kept us really busy! 
We were lucky enough to get to hear the church organ being played and were shown how it worked. We listened out for the highest and lowest notes. The very high notes were hard to hear!


A visit from Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service

Today we learned about fire safety in our homes. We talked about why a smoke alarm is so important and why we should check that it works. We learned what to do if there was a fire and took home a safety plan. 

Sorting materials

We had to come up with our own criteria for sorting the objects based on the properties of the material they are made from. 

We compared different bibles. We brought some from home. We investigated Bible stories and decided whether they were from the old or New Testament.  

Year 2 2023-2024

We had an absolutely amazing day visiting Fleetwood this week. We enjoyed looking at the beach huts, local landmarks and Fleetwood Museum. To end the day we watched a Punch and Judy show which was really funny!

In RE today we learned about a special Easter candle called The Paschal Candle. We learned all about the symbols each candle has on it and why. Then we designed our own. We finished by having our own procession around the classroom.

Still image for this video

The children all made angels using a variety of materials, they were fantasic.

The children have had a great time at their christmas party, they played lots of games, had a dance off and even did the conga around school smiley

On Tuesday the children took part in the Elf Run for St John's Hospice, they all ran quite a few laps of the running track and did really well. blush

WOW, the children were absolutely amazing at athletics. They came 3rd overall. Well done to all the children involved.

Professor Tuesday came and visited us this week.  She brought lots of artifacts from The Great Fire of London and gave us a lot of information.  We even had to put a fire out! 

Photos from last year's Year 2 class! 

On Monday (for the marble prize) the children were treated to a visit to The Wreck!  They enjoyed playing on the equipment, eating ice lollies and sweets, even Mrs Taylor an Mrs Chip joined in.smiley

All the children enjoyed making their own puppets and using them in our punch and Judy stand.  They all had amazing ideas and loved designing and creating them.

Wow! what an exciting day we had celebrating 60 years of our school being on this site.  The children all made an amazing effort and it was great to see them all dressed up from different decades.

P.E days are Monday and Fridays, please can your child come in P.E kit on these days.

Homework is given out on a Wednesday and collected the following Monday.  
This term we have started on the spring section in both the English and Maths books.

Spellings are given out on a Thursday and your child will be tested on these the following Thursday.

Fleetwood Trip  

What a wonderful day out we had at the beach. The children loved the playground and they saw lots of land marks on the way to museum. The museum was fantastic, all the children got involved but the best part was the Punch and Judy show at the end!


Lancaster Music Festival

March 2023

Wow! how amazing were year 2 at the music festival. The children sang, danced and we all thoroughly enjoyed the evening.

Here's some photos from the night. 

Trip to Hoghton Tower

What an amazing day we had visiting Hoghton Tower. 

When we arrived we were greeted by Christine and Les who were dressed in Tudor costumes, they took us into the buildings where we looked around various rooms. 

The floor in the ballroom was very springy and we were taught how to bow and curtsy.

Next, we went to the banqueting suite where Queen Molly knighted some children and Mrs Hole!.

Lastly, we visited the underground tunnels, these were a bit scary and Les showed us his friend Jimmy the skeleton who lives down there.

We only managed to get a few photos because we weren't allowed to take any in the house, but we all enjoyed the day and the children were fantastic.  

Well done Year 2.

Autumn Term 

Wow!, what a busy first half term Year 2 have had. All the children have been working really hard this half term, well done Year 2. 


We have been looking at castles this half term as part of our topic and history work. 

The children have produced some amazing pictures which they have drawn and painted. 





During science we have been looking at Materials and their Properties. We had great fun creating our own umbrellas and testing out different media to see which would be the best to use. 


Year 2 Curriculum

Half termly curriculum overview

Have a look at the information sheet below for a little more detail about your child's first half term in school.
