If you are applying for a school place for your child who is due to start in Reception you are required to apply online using the Lancashire County Council website and linked Diocesan forms. Applications can be made between 1st September and mid January in the academic year before your child is 5.
Details of the schools admissions arrangements can be found below. This year we are delighted that we will be able to welcome prospective parents and children into school for an OPEN MORNING - this will be held on Wednesday 2nd October 2024 from 9.15 a.m. until 11.30 a.m. If you are looking for a school place for a Reception child in September 2024 please do come and have a look round. If you have missed the open morning please contact the school office to make a separate appointment.
In year admissions: The school's in year admissions will be administered by the governing body of the school. If you are interested in a place in another school year please contact Mrs Lindsay or Mrs Coward in the school office who will be able to advise on current numbers in year groups and the availability of places. They will provide the forms needed to be completed - these are also available below. Please complete the In year admissions form and if appropriate the Diocesan supplementary form showing church links.