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Slyne-With-Hest St Luke's Church of England Primary School

Listen, learn, love and laugh as part of God's family

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3

Our teacher is Mrs Jennings. Mrs Gregory teaches us on a Wednesday morning.

We are helped by Miss Burrow. 


What a lovely first half term the children have had. They have all settled into Year 3 beautifully and are adapting to life in Key Stage 2 brilliantly. I am a very proud teacher. 


Thank you to those of you were able to come to our open classroom a couple of weeks ago. The children loved being mini tour guides and showing you all the important their trays and cloakroom!! 


We are looking forward to another busy half term in the run up to Christmas. We are still looking at Ancient Egypt in History and Geography. The children are loving it and are very excited about our first class visit of the year to Blackburn Museum. Please look out for the medical form and last minute information that will be coming out after the holidays. Please also see the Curriculum News section on our page on the website for the next half term's focus. 


Please note the change in PE days for after the holiday. We are moving our Tuesday lesson to a MONDAY as we have an outside coach coming in to work with the children on their archery skills. How exciting! So PE days for Autumn 2 are MONDAY and WEDNESDAY. 

Today we were lucky enough to have Professor Tuesday visit our class. She taught us so much about the Ancient Egyptians and we had a lot of fun. We made a human timeline showing the different Egyptian periods, we found out about 5 of the Pharaohs, we heard the story of the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb and we even mummified a body!!! It was brilliant!  


Today in science we learned about the skeleton and what it does. We named some of the bones and had a go at putting a skeleton back together. It was quite tricky to get the right legs in the right places!! We have our very own skeleton, Mr Bones, in our classroom to help us learn the tricky names. 

Welcome to Year 3!

I hope you have had a wonderful summer. Please take a few minutes to explore our class page of the website. Here you will find some links to different websites and resources that you might find helpful in supporting your Year 3 child throughout this year. Below is a letter containing lots of information about our new class. Your child will bring home a paper copy on the first day back. I have also included some photos of the classroom areas that I am sure your child will be excited to talk to you about. There will be a 'Welcome to your new class/teacher' event coming up soon so I look forward to hopefully seeing you then. 

Any questions please email me:

The information below relates to the academic year 2023_24 or earlier

Curriculum News for Spring 2

Have a look at some of our learning!

Today we had the lovely Karen from Life Education in to talk to us. We learned all about what our bodies need to keep physically healthy and mentally healthy. We also learned about the importance of medicines and how to take them safely. We then discussed things that can harm our bodies. Finally we helped Harold the Giraffe and his friends sort out their problems by discussing 'compromise'.

Science - Today we started to think about fossils. We learned about the famous palaeontologist  MARY ANNING and then we had a go at making our own fossils. Hopefully we will be able to see what they turn out like next week and not wait 165 million years!!!


D.T - We have been working really hard making Egyptian Collars, they are definitely works in progress!

P.E - During P.E we have been lucky to try archery.

Wow, the children made some amazing things for their Egyptian homework.

English - we planned and wrote our own Egyptian adventure stories.

Art - painting with scissors. Here we are sketching out ideas.

PSHE - drama.

We had an amazing afternoon with professor Tuesday learning all about Ancient Egypt. We looked at different artifacts and even dismembered a Mummy!

Year 3 Curriculum Information

2022/23 Curriculum News and useful information



Important information.

Spellings - 

Each week, on a Monday, the children will be given a list of spellings to look at throughout the week. We will complete daily activities which involve identifying and sorting the sounds, identifying the tricky parts and other short tasks. The children will also be expected to look at their spellings at home and we have included a few different ideas of how they can do this overleaf, including look, say, cover, write, check. They will then be tested on a Friday morning. This is done by putting the words in context within a sentence so this is also good to practice at home.  

The spellings are usually based around a particular sound but using different graphemes to represent that sound.  

EG ‘ee’ – speed, dream, monkey, piece 

Every few weeks the children will, instead, bring home a list of words that are from the National Curriculum lists of common exception words that they are expected to read and spell. We will, again, spend time looking at these words throughout the week and test them on the Friday of that week. But they also will be on display for the half term and we will continue to refer to them. It would be really helpful if you could also continue to look at them at home, even after their test. Some of these words may also come up in other weeks if they fit the sound pattern. Don’t worry, we know they have had them before but repetition is often the key for consistently spelling words correctly in their writing. 


Homework -  This term we will be mainly focusing on spelling and times tables. We will be using Purple Mash and TT Rockstars to set tasks for the children to complete. We may occasionally send home a task sheet to support in class learning but it will mainly focus on the above activities. This will be set on a Wednesday to be completed by the following Monday. Please support your child in completing these tasks. If you have any questions or your child is struggling with something, then please contact us and we can help! 


Reading - your child will have been given a reading book for them to bring home. Please hear them read this. We ask you to hear them read three times a week at least. Please enjoy other books together as well. Your child may enjoy independent reading but there is nothing more enjoyable than sharing a book together.

We are currently reading 'The Girl Who Stole an Elephant' as a class and are griped! We try to read this 4 times a week.


PE- PE takes place on Tuesdays and Thursdays this half term. 

Children should come to school in their PE kit on these days. PE kit is plain white t-shirt, black shorts, leggings, jogging bottoms and trainers or pumps. Children should wear their school jumper/cardigan as normal. 

The hall will be out of use for a few weeks this half term and so we will encourage the children to wear long legged jogging bottoms rather than shorts as we will hopefully go outside for PE (as long as it isn't dreadful weather!) 


Please don't hesitate to catch us after school if you have any questions. 


Mrs Gregory and Mrs Jennings



It is so important for your child to read for pleasure. We encourage the children to read a book from our class library whilst at school, we read a class novel at the end of the day and it is also important that you enjoy some reading time with your child too. They do need to read to you but will also really enjoy being read to. We have attached some recommended reading lists and also a page of suggestions for 'if you like ..... , try these'. 






Please find below some useful websites that will help your child with their learning. 

The Internet is a wonderful resource but we are aware of the fact that children can spend too long online. We only recommend short bursts.


We will add to this so please keep an eye out!

The information below relates to the academic year 2021_22 or earlier

Welcome to Year 3


As of today (18th March) we are starting our Year 3 Spelling Bee. Information about this is in your child's English homework folder. 


All the children will now have a reading book, these are to be brought into school  every day.  Please continue to listen to your child read regularly, discuss the book and sign their reading record. 



Maths  - sent home on Wednesday, return by the following Monday.

English - sent home Friday, return by the following Wednesday.



Our days for P.E are Monday and Friday. The children are now swimming on a Friday so they will need to bring their swimming kit on this day. Please make sure your child comes to school in their school P.E kit on Monday and uniform on a Friday.  This must consist of a white t-shirt, black shorts and their school jumper.   We will be outside for P.E in most weather conditions so your child can wear black jogging bottoms if needed. 


We have been thinking about internet safety in class.

Try to use Google SAFESEARCH instead of google when looking up information online. Click on the link below to have a look



The Year 3 children had an amazing Roman sleepover at Birdoswald Roman Fort. 

Here are the first batch!!

More photos to be added over the next few days! 

All aboard!

We arrived at Housesteads Roman Fort and needed a drink and a snack!

Some of us found a Roman sponge on a stick and thought about what it was used for in Roman times.....

We had to walk up a big hill,  in the rain, to get to the fort at the top...

A quick picnic lunch...

Tea time!

We made  fantastic pop-up books all about volcanoes

In Geography we learned about volcanoes. 

We used the computer to make the front cover and introduction page. 

We wrote interesting  information to stick into our books.

We used our skills in Design and Technology to make our books POP!

We thought about forces as we made our 'Springy Monsters'

Look at our super volcano drawings using pen and pastel.

Our World Book Day outfits! 3rd March 2022

Follow the links below to learn a little more about the Iron Age

Biscuit Henge!

Using biscuits, we recreated Stone Henge. We had a great time making them and it was even better when we could eat them! 

We talked about different theories to explain why Stonehenge was built and thought about how it was built. 

FEBRUARY DISPLAYS 2022 Just some of our lovely work on display in class.


We have been learning about Stonehenge. Take a virtual tour on the link below! 

We made milk carton mammoths with funky hairstyles!

Milk carton woolly mammoths!

We looked really closely at rocks with a microscope


We used plaster of Paris to make our own fossils! Can you see which prehistoric animals we used?

We made our own fossils!


We washed our prehistoric animals and then wrote instructions on how to do it!

We worked so hard to design and make Christmas stockings. What a lot of sewing we had to do!

Skeletons from dog biscuits!

Egyptian collars 

We designed and created our own Ancient Egyptian collars. These were worn by all Egyptians to dress up simple robes. 

Egyptian afternoon with Professor Tuesday

Professor Tuesday came and spent a fantastic afternoon with us talking all about Ancient Egypt.  We learnt about the history of Egypt, the top fab 5 Pharaohs,  what jobs people did and also how some people tried to destroy Egypt.

We created a human time line,  and mummified a body!

We all had a great time. 

This is some work from last year.

As part of our work on 'Light' we thought about how to make sure that Santa could be seen at night to stay safe!

Look how reflective these outfits are. Santa could definitely stay safe wearing these! 



It looks like the children in Year 3 Willow have enjoyed producing work for their Egyptian homework! 

Have a look at some of the wonderful work that we have seen so far! 

Abi did a great job of describing what her canopic jars were for.

Look closely at Luke's pyramid. He has included so much detail. The cake pyramid looks lovely!

Anna thought carefully about what it might look like inside an Egyptian tomb

Tom worked so hard on his Pharaoh's pyramid and even included smaller ones for the Queens!

Look at the detail in Parker's lego model of the Nile, pyramid and Sphinx!

Arthur has been very interested in hieroglyphics!

Amy enjoyed making her pyramid tomb cake and then made this wonderful powerpoint to explain what she did! Well done Amy!

Here is Amy's completed step pyramid!

Jack made an information sheet about an Egyptian tomb.....

His lego sarcophagus opens to show the mummy and treasures inside

Look at Tallia's colourful, brick pyramid!

What an impressive Hieroglyph cake Alex! A great explanation of what you did using Google Classroom too. Have a look at his powerpoint

Look how many pages of information there are in Tilda's book! 
Charlie enjoyed using woodworking tools with his dad to make this fantastic pyramid out of wood! 

Noel enjoyed making his edible pyramid. He even wrote the shopping list and went shopping for his ingredients. His family enjoyed eating his homework!

Scarlett W must have spent a long time putting all this information onto her poster!

Thomas' Sarcophagus cake looked absolutely delicious!

Look on the Year 3 (Acorn) page to see information relating to last years class (2019  - 2020). It gives you an overview of what the children enjoyed up to lockdown. This year, while following a similar curriculum overview, there will be changes to the content and delivery to meet the needs of the new group of children. Watch this space to see more information and in time see some pictures of the children at work.