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Slyne-With-Hest St Luke's Church of England Primary School

Listen, learn, love and laugh as part of God's family

Ofsted report

We had a two-day Ofsted inspection visit at the start of the Spring Term. This was a Section 8 inspection which means they came to check that we were still a good school.


I am delighted to say that this has now been completed and a copy of the report is available under the 'Ofsted' tab on the website.


Some of the headlines:

  • 'pupils thrive in a motivating environment'
  • 'pupils feel safe and happy at school'
  • 'They achieve well in a range of subjects'
  • 'pupils treat each other with respect and kindness'
  • 'residential trips help to build pupils' confidence, resilience and teamwork'
  • 'leaders have designed an ambitious curriculum'
  • 'pupils with special educational needs are supported by skilled staff to be able to access all aspects of the curriculum'

A massive 'THANK YOU' to the staff who all come together to allow this to happen and to you all for the support you give to school.
